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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Viennese Ball Logo Contest!

Hey, it's winter break! That means tons of free time, and lots of frivolous ideas floating around to play with. Here are some random designs I cranked out for a logo contest that was recently announced back in California. The event is a classy Viennese Ball with waltzing, and tuxes, and the works. The winner of the logo contest gets free tix. Since "classy" means tickets cost about $85 bucks a person, I thought entering might be fun. What the heck, right?

And of course, if anyone's actually reading this blog, Merry Christmas!


  1. I lost the contest, but what the heck. I'm going anyway :D

  2. Dang, you should have won! Resubmit next year!

  3. wow tam! very nice work. you totally should've have won the contest. i especially like the one from above.
